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ظهور OPS في مدينة موسكو - اتهام كبار مديري QBF بارتكاب جرائم خطيرة"  by Oleg Rubnikovich 13 مايو 2022.

أوليغ روبينيكوفيتش

13 May 2022

اتهام كبار المديرين في QBF وNoa Circle بارتكاب جرائم خطيرة

OPS Emerges in Moscow City" QBF Top Managers Accused of Severe Crimes. Oleg Rubnikovich, May 13, 2022, 01:34

As reported by Kommersant, six participants of a major financial pyramid operating under the facade of the investment company QBF have been identified by the investigation as members of an organized criminal group (OPS). Instead of investing the funds received from clients into substantial financial portfolios, the alleged fraudsters were diverting money offshore. Currently, the damage caused to investors exceeds 2 billion rubles. With consideration to VIP individuals who invested in QBF but have not yet acknowledged themselves as victims, the total amount of embezzlement might reach around 5 to 7 billion rubles.

The Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) has been examining the activities of the major investment company QBF for just over a year. During this time, law enforcement agencies have concluded that in addition to committing an especially large-scale fraud (Article 159.4 of the Russian Criminal Code), the participants of the financial pyramid also exhibit all the signs of an OPS (Article 210 of the Russian Criminal Code). Consequently, the six individuals involved in this criminal case have recently been charged with this article as well, with two of them being charged in absentia. The mastermind behind the crime is believed to be Roman Shpakov, the alleged beneficiary of the QBF financial group, who is presumed to be hiding in London. He is already under an international arrest warrant. According to Kommersant's information, a similar fate awaits Cypriot citizen Linda Athanasiadou** in the near future. The investigation considers her responsible for QBF's financial operations.

For four other individuals, three of whom are in pretrial detention centres, participation in the OPS has already been formally charged. These include Zelimkhan Munaev, a co-founder of QBF, who previously headed the company's Cypriot branch; Evgenia Rossieva, a lawyer of this structure; Alexey Golubev, the head of QBF's St. Petersburg office; and Vladimir Pakhomov, who is under house arrest and is the director of the company's branch network.

As previously reported by Kommersant, the initiation of the criminal case was prompted by initial individual complaints from citizens submitted to the police department of the Western Administrative District of Moscow. After grievances against QBF managers began to amount to dozens, the case was transferred for further investigation to the Investigative Department of the MVD. Operative and search activities were joined by employees of the Directorate for Combating Economic Crimes and Corruption (DCECC) and the Moscow UFSS. In late May 2021, with their support and the assistance of special forces, a large-scale special operation was conducted in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In total, more than 30 searches were carried out, including at the main office of QBF, which occupied several floors in the "City of Capitals" complex (Presnenskaya Naberezhnaya, 8, building 1) in Moscow City. According to the investigation, the company attracted citizens' funds under the guise of investing in substantial financial portfolios in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sverdlovsk, Tyumen, and Murmansk regions, as well as in Bashkortostan and Tatarstan. However, instead of this, the money ended up in the accounts of QCCI Ltd (Cyprus), Simtelligence (Hong Kong), and White Lake Ltd (Cayman Islands), from where it was further transferred to the accounts of other non-resident companies affiliated, according to the investigation, with the group members. The alleged pyramid organizers had full control over these funds, using them at their discretion to invest in shares, real estate, luxury cars, and other assets.

It's worth noting that almost everyone who entrusted their funds to Roman Shpakov's team believed that their money was working and generating profits, as the managers sent them fictional monthly and quarterly reports via email.

Problems for investors arose when they attempted to withdraw their money from QBF. Clients were denied this under various pretexts, and when arguments ran dry, they simply stopped responding to phone calls.

It should be noted that to maintain the company's reputation, dividends were still paid to some depositors. However, this was solely done using funds from subsequent clients.

At present, it has been established that the damage caused to investors of LLC QBF (whose license was revoked on July 8, 2021) amounts to more than 2 billion rubles. However, based on the documentation seized during the searches, it appears that the actual embezzlement from depositors could be around 5 to 7 billion rubles. Such a discrepancy in numbers can be explained by the fact that among QBF's clients were many VIP individuals, including clergy, generals, ministers, and directors of various large state and commercial structures. However, none of those who allegedly handed over 200-300 million rubles to the presumed fraudsters are willing to disclose their losses at the moment, and consequently, they have not been included in the official list of victims. As the police point out, it was precisely the affluent clients, who also had access to budgetary funds, that the QBF business was oriented towards. As pyramid scheme participants had speculated, these affluent clients, having lost large sums, refrained from turning to law enforcement agencies due to the impossibility of proving the legality of their origin.

Oleg Rubnikovich

Kommersant published the article on May 13 2022


The QBF & NOA Circle Scam - Title: Unveiling the Truth: Linda Athanasiadou's Transcription Admitting Fraud and Money Laundering


In a stunning revelation, a transcribed conversation has surfaced, exposing Linda Athanasiadou's shocking admission of involvement in fraudulent activities and money laundering. The transcript lays bare the extent of her complicity in the sinister world of financial scams, and it serves as a testament to the lengths to which some individuals will go to deceive innocent investors. In this blog, we delve into the details of Linda Athanasiadou's transcribed conversation, shedding light on the dark underbelly of the QBF scam.

The Transcribed Confession of Linda Athanasiadou:

The transcribed conversation presents an intimate glimpse into Linda Athanasiadou's perspective and her role in the elaborate QBF scam. In the recording, she recounts her journey from a seemingly reputable position to a co-conspirator in a fraudulent web of deceit.

Linda Athanasiadou Admission of Fraudulent Schemes:

Linda Athanasiadou's confession reveals how she actively participated in designing fraudulent schemes to deceive unsuspecting investors. The transcript discloses her involvement in creating an elaborate structure aimed at diverting client funds into projects associated with the beneficiaries of the group, leaving investors financially devastated.

Complicity in Money Laundering:

In her own words, Linda Athanasiadou acknowledges her role in money laundering within the fraudulent operation. The transcript unravels the complexities of moving funds through various false contracts and transactions, all designed to legitimize the ill-gotten gains. The Human Toll: Beyond the revelations of her involvement, it is essential to understand the human toll of Linda Athanasiadou's actions. The QBF scam left countless families in financial ruin, with their life savings and dreams shattered. The transcribed confession brings to light the devastating impact of financial scams on real people's lives.

A Call for Accountability:

As we digest the gravity of the confession, it is crucial to call for accountability and justice. The victims of the QBF scam deserve restitution, and those involved must face the consequences of their actions. We stand united in demanding a thorough investigation into Linda Athanasiadou's role and the entire QBF network, ensuring that those responsible are held accountable for their crimes.


Linda Athanasiadou's transcribed confession is a chilling reminder of the dark realities of financial fraud and money laundering. As we continue to unearth the truth behind the QBF scam, we must remain vigilant in our pursuit of justice for the victims. This blog serves as a testament to the importance of exposing fraudulent schemes and the resilience of those seeking accountability. Together, we can bring these perpetrators to justice and work towards preventing such heinous scams from devastating more lives in the future.


Linda Athanasiadou, as a co-owner of NOA Circle, has played a pivotal role in various fraudulent schemes. She has been at the helm of Constance Investment (QBF), La Cassa International, and has reportedly directed Kirill Oleshko to fabricate agreements for the QBF and NOA Circle scams. Her involvement underscores a web of intricate deception, where multiple ventures have been intertwined to create an elaborate façade of legitimacy. Her actions highlight a deliberate effort to orchestrate fraudulent activities, further emphasizing her complicity in these deceitful operations.

Linda Athanasiadou, as a co-owner of NOA Circle, has played a pivotal role in various fraudulent schemes. She has been at the helm of Constance Investment (QBF), La Cassa International, and has reportedly directed Kirill Oleshko to fabricate agreements for the QBF and NOA Circle scams. Her involvement underscores a web of intricate deception, where multiple ventures have been intertwined to create an elaborate façade of legitimacy. Her actions highlight a deliberate effort to orchestrate fraudulent activities, further emphasizing her complicity in these deceitful operations.

مفتاح حقائق

الضحايا: 2000



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شعار SunOfJustice لـ qbfexised - The S

كشف عملية احتيال QBF

كانت شركة الاستثمار QBF خيارًا واعدًا للمستثمرين في روسيا. مع شركتها الروسية الشقيقة Q.Broker LLC ، Cypriot Company Constance Investment LTD ، وعدت QBF بأقصى قدر من الراحة والموثوقية ورأس المال المصرح به البالغ 333 مليون روبل.


ومع ذلك ، فإن ما كان في البداية فرصة استثمارية واعدة لآلاف المستثمرين سرعان ما أصبح أحد أبرز عمليات الاحتيال المالية في روسيا. كما اتضح ، لم تستخدم الشركة أموال المستثمرين لشراء الأسهم المتعلقة بخيارات الاكتتاب العام ، كما وعدوا. وبدلاً من ذلك ، تم استثمار الأموال في مشاريع تنموية للمستفيد من مجموعة شركات R.V. Shpakov ، وتم سحب معظم أموال العملاء في الخارج. نبسب ؛


كانت عملية الاحتيال هائلة لدرجة أن أكثر من 2000 مستثمر تضرروا ، مع خسائر تقدر بأكثر من 7 مليارات روبل. على الرغم من الحجم الهائل للاحتيال ، كانت الإدارة المؤقتة غير نشطة ، ولم يتم رفع أي قضية جنائية بشأن احتيال QBF. في عام 2021 ، بعد عمليات البحث في مجموعة شركات QBF ، توقفت شركة الاستثمار عن دفع الأموال المستحقة للمستثمرين مقابل جميع المنتجات التي لا تستلزم وصفة طبية ، بحجة عدم وفاء LLC بالالتزامات.


اختفى المستفيد شباكوف رومان من زبائنه بالخارج. جذبت قصة QBF اهتمامًا إعلاميًا كبيرًا في روسيا. نشرت مجلة فوربس عدة مقالات حول القضية ، فضحت أسرار الهرم المالي وشككت في دور البنك المركزي في تدقيق الشركة.


في نوفمبر 2021 ، حتى أنستازيا فولوتشكوفا ، راقصة الباليه الروسية الشهيرة ، أصبحت ضحية للهرم المالي ، حيث خسرت ملايين الروبلات المستثمرة في QBF. على الرغم من اهتمام وسائل الإعلام وجهود المستثمرين المضللين لتقديم المسؤولين إلى العدالة ، يظل الاحتيال في QBF أحد أهم عمليات الاحتيال المالية في تاريخ روسيا.


القصة بمثابة حكاية تحذيرية للمستثمرين ليكونوا يقظين ومدركين للمخاطر التي ينطوي عليها استثمار أموالهم.

مجموعة من ضحايا احتيال QBF PONZI يهدفون إلى تحديد المسؤولين عن إعداد النظام غير القانوني والاستفادة منه ، والسماح للعدالة بمسؤوليتهم عن أفعالهم.

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