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2022-01-19 Kommerssant - London Hides a Guest from the "City of Capitals" - QBF Group's beneficiary, Roman Shpakov, is being sought worldwide. By Oleg Rubnikovich,

2022-01-19 Kommerssant - London Hides a Guest from the "City of Capitals" - QBF Group's beneficiary, Roman Shpakov, is being sought worldwide. By Oleg Rubnikovich,


19 January 2022

London Hides a Guest from the "City of Capitals" (Published by Kommersant on 19.01.2022):
Roman Shpakov, beneficiary of the investment company QBF, is now internationally wanted, suspected of masterminding a pyramid scheme that allegedly defrauded investors of 5-7 billion rubles. After relocating to the UAE, Shpakov has reportedly settled in London, possibly to avoid extradition.

London Hides a Guest from the "City of Capitals" - QBF Group's Beneficiary, Roman Shpakov, Sought Worldwide (Published by Kommersant on 19.01.2022)

Roman Shpakov, 33-year-old beneficiary of the QBF investment company, has found himself on Interpol's international database of wanted persons. He's accused of orchestrating a pyramid scheme, misrepresenting investments, and potentially pilfering between 5-7 billion rubles from depositors. In the wake of a significant special operation in May 2021, which saw over 30 searches across Moscow and Saint Petersburg, several associates of Shpakov were detained or placed under house arrest. However, by that time, Shpakov had already relocated overseas.

In September of the previous year, the Tverskoy District Court approved an in-absentia arrest for Shpakov. Recent reports indicate that after residing in the UAE, Shpakov has moved to London, believed to be a strategic move on his part to avoid extradition should he be arrested. The foundation of the charges against him stems from QBF's operations, which allegedly lured clients with promises of high returns on investments. However, when clients attempted to withdraw their funds, they were met with excuses or complete silence.

Investigations have revealed that the funds from investors were channeled to offshore companies, such as QCCI LTD (Cyprus), Simtelligence (Hong Kong), and White Lake ltd (Cayman Islands) (all set up, opperated and run by NOA Circle and by Apollon Athanasiades). These funds were then transferred to other affiliated non-resident companies. The alleged organizers of this scheme subsequently used these funds for luxury purchases, including cars, real estate, and stocks.

The estimated stolen amount ranges between 5-7 billion rubles, with the broad range potentially due to the high-profile nature of some of QBF's clients. Many of them, including VIPs from various sectors, invested significant sums but have chosen not to publicize their losses or accept the status of victims. Notably, famous ballerina Anastasia Volochkova is among the known affected parties, with QBF owing her 1.7 million out of the 3 million rubles she invested.

After the revocation of its license in July 2021, QBF ceased its operations. Since then, several clients have attempted to reclaim their investments through civil litigation, often facing challenges in court.

London Hides a Guest from the "City of Capitals" - QBF Group's beneficiary, Roman Shpakov, is being sought worldwide.

By Oleg Rubnikovich, 19.01.2022, 00:43

As "Ъ" has learned, the name of the QBF financial group's beneficiary, Roman Shpakov, has appeared in Interpol's international database of wanted persons. Investigators believe he is the mastermind behind a pyramid scheme that, under the guise of investing depositors' money into serious financial portfolios, could have stolen about 5-7 billion rubles from them. Before the criminal case was initiated, Mr. Shpakov had moved to the United Arab Emirates, and since last October, he has allegedly settled in London.

Roman Shpakov becomes an international fugitive

33-year-old Roman Shpakov, the beneficiary of the investment company QBF, became a defendant in a criminal case regarding large-scale fraud (Part 4, Article 159 of the Russian Criminal Code) at the end of May 2021. At that time, as part of a large-scale special operation involving the Main Directorate for Economic Security and Corruption Control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Moscow Federal Security Service, and special forces, over 30 searches were conducted in Moscow and Saint Petersburg, including at QBF's main office, which occupied several floors in the "City of Capitals" complex in "Moscow City" (Presnenskaya Embankment, 8, Building 1).

The first to be detained by operatives were 30-year-old co-founder of QBF LLC, who previously headed the company's Cypriot branch, Zelimkhan Munaev, and 47-year-old lawyer of this structure, Evgeniya Rossieva. Both were sent to pre-trial detention by the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow upon the request of the investigative department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Another defendant, the company's branch network director Vladimir Pakhomov, was placed under house arrest. By that time, Roman Shpakov was already abroad, having relocated as soon as he learned of law enforcement's interest in his project.

On September 27th last year, the same Tverskoy District Court sanctioned the in-absentia arrest of the alleged organizer of the multi-billion scam. Recently, Roman Shpakov's name appeared in Interpol's international wanted persons database. It's worth noting that until recently, the founder of QBF, according to "Ъ", lived in the UAE. However, shortly after the in-absentia arrest, he moved to London, where he allegedly owns property.

It seems that the businessman is hoping that, unlike the Emirates, if he is arrested in the UK, the country initiating the search won't extradite him.

As "Ъ" has previously reported, during the investigation, it was established that citizens' funds were attracted by the company under the guise of investing in serious financial portfolios in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Sverdlovsk, Tyumen, Murmansk regions, as well as Bashkiria and Tatarstan.

QBF managers lured clients with the opportunity to earn around 20% from investments. To maintain the company's reputation, some clients were indeed paid dividends, but exclusively from the funds of subsequent depositors. Almost all those who trusted Roman Shpakov's team were convinced that their money was working and generating profit, as the managers sent them fictitious monthly and quarterly reports via email.

Investors' problems began when they tried to withdraw their money from QBF. Clients were denied under various pretexts, and when the arguments ran out, they simply stopped answering phone calls.

Investigators found that all investors' funds ended up in the accounts of companies QCCI LTD (Cyprus), Simtelligence (Hong Kong), and White Lake ltd (Cayman Islands), from where they were later transferred to other non-resident companies affiliated with the group members. The alleged organizers of the pyramid scheme used these funds at their discretion, investing in the purchase of expensive cars, real estate, stocks, etc.

In total, investigators believe that the pyramid's organizers could have stolen around 5-7 billion rubles.

Such a range of figures might be due to the fact that among QBF's clients, there were many VIPs, including clergy, generals, ministers, and directors of various large state and commercial structures. Some gave the alleged fraudsters 200-300 million rubles, while others gave up to 1 billion rubles. However, for various reasons, they not only don't want to publicize their losses but also refuse the status of victims.

So far, the only celebrity known to have been affected in this case is the famous ballerina Anastasia Volochkova. Of the 3 million rubles she invested in QBF, the company still owes her 1.7 million rubles.

Note that QBF LLC ceased its operations on July 8, 2021, after its license was revoked by the regulator. By that time, some clients tried to get their money back through civil litigation. However, as practice shows, this proved to be quite problematic. For example, the CEO of a large online store specializing in the sale of IT and network equipment failed to win his case.

In March 2021, even before the criminal case was initiated, the businessman tried to claim over $550,000 from the defendants, including Roman Shpakov, in the Presnensky District Court of the capital. "During the case review, no evidence was found of the plaintiff transferring funds to any of the defendants," the court decision states. Yesterday, this decision was upheld by the appellate instance.

Oleg Rubnikovich

Money-Laundering, investment, Interpol, APOLLON-Athanasiades, Financial-Crime, NOA-CIRCLE, LBX, Financial Fraud, NATIONAL-CRIME-AGENCY, Benjamin-Dives, Roman Shpakov, Cyprus-Central-Bank, ООО ИК «КьюБиЭф», Шпакова Р.В., КьюБиЭф, Мунаев Зелимхан, Шпаков Роман Валерьеви, linda Kovalenka, ATHANASIADES,, MONEY-LAUNDERING, CySec, FCA, Linta Athanasiades, Shpakov Roman, Linda atahansasiadou, AELIUS, MOKAS, AELIUS CIRCLE, KSENIA TORRES,, ROMAN-SPHAKOV, Aelius-Circle, QBFSTOP, Кью.Брокер, Россиева Евгения, QBF, KSENIA-TORRES, ООО ИК «КьюБиЭф, Interpol/Europol, NOACIRCLE, linta Kovalenka, FRAUD, Argento-access, Europol, Матюхина С.А, Linta Athanasiadou, CONSTANCE, LINDA-ATHANASIADOU, Голубев Алексей, NOA Circle, Пахомов Владимир, Романа Шпакова, Linda athanasiades, Phil-Millo, QBFEXPOSED, Kirill-Oleshko, SCAM, Станислав Матюхин


ΘΥΜΑΤΑ: 2.000






USD 550



Η απάτη QBF αποκαλύφθηκε

Η επενδυτική εταιρεία QBF ήταν μια πολλά υποσχόμενη επιλογή για τους επενδυτές στη Ρωσία. Με τη ρωσική αδελφή της εταιρεία Q.Broker LLC, την κυπριακή εταιρεία Constance Investment LTD, η QBF υποσχέθηκε μέγιστη άνεση, αξιοπιστία και σημαντικό εγκεκριμένο κεφάλαιο 333 εκατομμυρίων ρούβλια.


Ωστόσο, αυτό που αρχικά ήταν μια πολλά υποσχόμενη επενδυτική ευκαιρία για χιλιάδες επενδυτές σύντομα έγινε μια από τις πιο σημαντικές οικονομικές απάτες της Ρωσίας. Όπως αποδείχθηκε, η εταιρεία δεν χρησιμοποίησε τα χρήματα από τους επενδυτές για να αγοράσει μετοχές που σχετίζονται με δικαιώματα IPO, όπως υποσχέθηκαν. Αντίθετα, τα κεφάλαια επενδύθηκαν σε αναπτυξιακά έργα της δικαιούχου του ομίλου εταιρειών R.V. Shpakov, και τα περισσότερα από τα κεφάλαια των πελατών αποσύρθηκαν στο εξωτερικό.  


Η απάτη ήταν τόσο μαζική που επηρεάστηκαν περισσότεροι από 2.000 επενδυτές, με απώλειες που υπολογίζονται σε πάνω από 7 δισεκατομμύρια ρούβλια. Παρά το τεράστιο μέγεθος της απάτης, η προσωρινή διαχείριση ήταν ανενεργή και δεν είχε κινηθεί ποινική υπόθεση για απάτη QBF. Το 2021, μετά τις έρευνες στον όμιλο εταιρειών QBF, η επενδυτική εταιρεία σταμάτησε να καταβάλλει στους επενδυτές τα χρήματα που τους οφείλονταν για όλα τα εξωχρηματιστηριακά προϊόντα, επικαλούμενη μη εκπλήρωση υποχρεώσεων εκ μέρους της LLC.


Ο δικαιούχος Shpakov Roman εξαφανίστηκε από πελάτες στο εξωτερικό. Η ιστορία του QBF έχει προσελκύσει σημαντική προσοχή των μέσων ενημέρωσης στη Ρωσία. Το Forbes δημοσίευσε αρκετά άρθρα για την υπόθεση, αποκαλύπτοντας τα μυστικά της χρηματοπιστωτικής πυραμίδας και αμφισβητώντας τον ρόλο της Κεντρικής Τράπεζας στον έλεγχο της εταιρείας.


Τον Νοέμβριο του 2021, ακόμη και η Anastasia Volochkova, μια διάσημη Ρωσίδα μπαλαρίνα, έπεσε θύμα της οικονομικής πυραμίδας, χάνοντας εκατομμύρια ρούβλια που επενδύθηκαν στην QBF. Παρά την προσοχή από τα μέσα ενημέρωσης και τις προσπάθειες εξαπατημένων επενδυτών να φέρουν τους υπεύθυνους στη δικαιοσύνη, η απάτη της QBF παραμένει μια από τις πιο σημαντικές οικονομικές απάτες στην ιστορία της Ρωσίας.


Η ιστορία χρησιμεύει ως προειδοποιητική ιστορία για τους επενδυτές να είναι σε εγρήγορση και να γνωρίζουν τους κινδύνους που ενέχει η επένδυση των χρημάτων τους.


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