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2023-10-18 -Testimony against Deputy Nabiullina was not allowed to proceed
How QBF bribed the Central Bank and the top of the power bloc. By: Timofey Grishin -

2023-10-18 -Testimony against Deputy Nabiullina was not allowed to proceed
How QBF bribed the Central Bank and the top of the power bloc. By: Timofey Grishin -


18 October 2023

Testimony against Deputy Nabiullina was not allowed to proceed. How QBF bribed the Central Bank and the top of the power bloc. By: Timofey Grishin - 18 October 2023

The Prosecutor General's Office in October 2023 approved an indictment and sent a criminal case to the Presnensky Court involving four members of the QBF criminal group. Stanislav Matyukhin, the grandson of the former chairman of the Central Bank, Georgy Matyukhin, is among the accused. QBF, a financial group with four licenses from the Central Bank, has been active in the Russian financial services market since 2008. The company's success was reportedly aided by influence within the Central Bank. Notably, the case reveals allegations of corruption within the Central Bank, including connections with senior bank officials Dmitry Skobelkin and Vladimir Chistyukhin, both former first deputy chairmen of the Central Bank. These officials, despite accusations, have not faced charges or investigations. The QBF case also exposes ties between the criminal group and law enforcement and judicial authorities, allowing key members to remain at large.

Testimony against Deputy Nabiullina was not allowed to proceed. How QBF bribed the Central Bank and the top of the power bloc. By: Timofey Grishin -  (Published on 18 October 2023):

The QBF Case Unveils Allegations of Corruption in Russia's Central Bank

The QBF case, reaching the Presnensky Court in October 2023, has brought to light allegations of corruption within the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. This case revolves around the activities of the financial group QBF, which held four licenses from the Central Bank and operated in the Russian financial services sector since 2008. The company's sustained success is believed to have been aided by influential connections within the Central Bank, with Stanislav Matyukhin serving as its head for an extended period. The ultimate beneficiary of QBF, however, was Roman Shpakov.

Accusations of Corruption Involving Central Bank Officials

The case suggests that two Central Bank officials, Dmitry Skobelkin and Vladimir Chistyukhin, were embroiled in corrupt practices related to QBF. Both Skobelkin and Chistyukhin served as first deputy chairmen of the Central Bank of Russia. According to Zelimkhan Munaev, who provided testimony as part of a plea deal with investigators, Vladimir Pakhomov, a member of QBF, played a crucial role in establishing corrupt connections between QBF and the Central Bank through Chistyukhin and Skobelkin.

Lack of Investigations into High-ranking Central Bank Officials Raises Questions

Despite allegations of corruption, neither Chistyukhin nor Skobelkin has faced charges or investigations. This has led to inquiries regarding potential interference or influence aimed at protecting these high-ranking Central Bank officials.

Ties Between the QBF Criminal Group and Law Enforcement and Judicial Authorities

The QBF case has further unveiled connections between the criminal group QBF and law enforcement and judicial authorities. Key members of the QBF criminal community, including Irina Nikolaevna Shpakova, Vladimir Aleksandrovich Maslennikov, Grigor Razmikovich Erzikyan, Ruslan Valerievich Spinka, and Nikolay Sergeevich Padalko, have not faced significant scrutiny or consequences for their roles.

Investigative Challenges in Establishing the Full Extent of Corruption

The investigators have encountered difficulties in establishing the full extent of the involvement of influential figures from the Central Bank, the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, and the Government in supporting the QBF criminal community. This has raised concerns about corruption within the law enforcement and judicial systems.

Broader Implications for Transparency and Accountability

The QBF case, linked to allegations of corruption, fraud, and financial crimes, involves over 2,000 investors and stolen funds exceeding 10 billion rubles. The case underscores concerns about the effectiveness of investigations and the ability to hold high-level officials accountable for corruption 

Bribery and Influence on Investigative Efforts

The article suggests that bribery may be influencing investigative efforts and the avoidance of prosecution for key members of the QBF criminal group. The investigation raises questions about the transparency and integrity of the justice system in Russia.

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Money-Laundering, investment, Interpol, APOLLON-Athanasiades, Financial-Crime, NOA-CIRCLE, LBX, Financial Fraud, NATIONAL-CRIME-AGENCY, Benjamin-Dives, Roman Shpakov, Cyprus-Central-Bank, ООО ИК «КьюБиЭф», Шпакова Р.В., КьюБиЭф, Мунаев Зелимхан, Шпаков Роман Валерьеви, linda Kovalenka, ATHANASIADES,, MONEY-LAUNDERING, CySec, FCA, Linta Athanasiades, Shpakov Roman, Linda atahansasiadou, AELIUS, MOKAS, AELIUS CIRCLE, KSENIA TORRES,, ROMAN-SPHAKOV, Aelius-Circle, QBFSTOP, Кью.Брокер, Россиева Евгения, QBF, KSENIA-TORRES, ООО ИК «КьюБиЭф, Interpol/Europol, NOACIRCLE, linta Kovalenka, FRAUD, Argento-access, Europol, Матюхина С.А, Linta Athanasiadou, CONSTANCE, LINDA-ATHANASIADOU, Голубев Алексей, NOA Circle, Пахомов Владимир, Романа Шпакова, Linda athanasiades, Phil-Millo, QBFEXPOSED, Kirill-Oleshko, SCAM, Станислав Матюхин, Stanislav Matyukhin


ЖЕРТВЫ: 2000






доллар США 550



Мошенничество с QBF раскрыто

Инвестиционная компания QBF была перспективным вариантом для инвесторов в России. Со своей российской дочерней компанией Q.Broker LLC, кипрской компанией Constance Investment LTD, QBF пообещала максимальное удобство, надежность и значительный уставной капитал в размере 333 млн рублей.


Однако то, что изначально было многообещающей инвестиционной возможностью для тысяч инвесторов, вскоре превратилось в одну из самых известных финансовых афер в России. Как выяснилось, компания не использовала деньги инвесторов для покупки акций, связанных с опционами на IPO, как обещала. Вместо этого средства были вложены в девелоперские проекты бенефициара группы компаний Р.В. Шпакова, а большая часть клиентских средств была выведена за границу.  


Афера была настолько масштабной, что пострадало более 2000 вкладчиков, а убытки оцениваются более чем в 7 миллиардов рублей. Несмотря на огромные масштабы мошенничества, временное управление бездействовало, а уголовное дело по факту мошенничества QBF возбуждено не было. В 2021 году, после обысков в группе компаний QBF, инвесткомпания прекратила выплату инвесторам причитающихся им денежных средств за всю безрецептурную продукцию, сославшись на неисполнение обязательств со стороны ООО «».


Бенефициар Шпаков Роман пропал у клиентов за границей. История QBF привлекла значительное внимание средств массовой информации в России. Forbes опубликовал несколько статей об этом деле, раскрывая секреты финансовой пирамиды и ставя под сомнение роль ЦБ в проверке компании.


В ноябре 2021 года даже Анастасия Волочкова, известная российская балерина, стала жертвой финансовой пирамиды, потеряв вложенные в QBF миллионы рублей. Несмотря на внимание со стороны СМИ и усилия обманутых инвесторов привлечь виновных к ответственности, мошенничество с QBF остается одной из самых крупных финансовых афер в истории России.


Эта история служит предостережением для инвесторов, чтобы они были бдительны и осознавали риски, связанные с инвестированием своих денег.


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